# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (c) 2014, Michael Mauderer, University of St Andrews
All rights reserved.
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from __future__ import division
import logging
import numpy
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Nayatani95(object):
* Fairchild, M. D. (2013). *Color appearance models*, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
* Nayatani, Y., Sobagaki, H., & Yano, K. H. T. (1995). Lightness dependency of chroma scales of a nonlinear
color-appearance model and its latest formulation. *Color Research & Application*, 20(3), 156-167.
def hue_angle(self):
Predicted hue angle :math:`\\theta`.
return self._hue_angle
def chroma(self):
Predicted chroma :math:`C`.
return self._chroma
def saturation(self):
Predicted saturation :math:`S`.
return self._saturation
def brightness(self):
Predicted brightness :math:`B_r`.
return self._brightness
def colorfulness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`M`.
return self._colorfulness
def __init__(self, x, y, z, x_n, y_n, z_n, y_ob, e_o, e_or, n=1):
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_n: X value of reference white :math:`X_n`.
:param y_n: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_n`.
:param z_n: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_n`.
:param y_ob: Luminance factor of achromatic background as percentage :math:`Y_o`.
Required to be larger than 0.18.
:param e_o: Illuminance of the viewing field :math:`E_o` in lux.
:param e_or: Normalising illuminance :math:`E_or` in lux.
:param n: Noise term :math:`n`.
if numpy.any(y_ob <= 0.18):
raise ValueError('y_ob hast be greater than 0.18.')
l_o = y_ob * e_o / (100 * numpy.pi)
l_or = y_ob * e_or / (100 * numpy.pi)
logger.debug('L_o: {}'.format(l_o))
logger.debug('L_or: {}'.format(l_or))
x_o = x_n / (x_n + y_n + z_n)
y_o = y_n / (x_n + y_n + z_n)
logger.debug('x_o: {}'.format(x_o))
logger.debug('y_o: {}'.format(y_o))
xi = (0.48105 * x_o + 0.78841 * y_o - 0.08081) / y_o
eta = (-0.27200 * x_o + 1.11962 * y_o + 0.04570) / y_o
zeta = (0.91822 * (1 - x_o - y_o)) / y_o
logger.debug('xi: {}'.format(xi))
logger.debug('eta: {}'.format(eta))
logger.debug('zeta: {}'.format(zeta))
r_0, g_0, b_0 = rgb_0 = ((y_ob * e_o) / (100 * numpy.pi)) * numpy.array([xi, eta, zeta])
logger.debug('rgb_0: {}'.format(rgb_0))
r, g, b, = rgb = self.xyz_to_rgb(numpy.array([x, y, z]))
logger.debug('rgb: {}'.format(rgb))
e_r = self._compute_scaling_coefficient(r, xi)
logger.debug('e(R): {}'.format(e_r))
e_g = self._compute_scaling_coefficient(g, eta)
logger.debug('e(G): {}'.format(e_g))
beta_r = self._beta_1(r_0)
logger.debug('beta1(rho): {}'.format(beta_r))
beta_g = self._beta_1(g_0)
logger.debug('beta1(eta): {}'.format(beta_g))
beta_b = self._beta_2(b_0)
logger.debug('beta2(zeta): {}'.format(beta_b))
beta_l = self._beta_1(l_or)
logger.debug('beta1(L_or): {}'.format(beta_l))
# Opponent Color Dimension
self._achromatic_response = (2 / 3) * beta_r * e_r * numpy.log10((r + n) / (20 * xi + n))
self._achromatic_response += (1 / 3) * beta_g * e_g * numpy.log10((g + n) / (20 * eta + n))
self._achromatic_response *= 41.69 / beta_l
logger.debug('Q: {}'.format(self._achromatic_response))
self._tritanopic_response = (1 / 1) * beta_r * numpy.log10((r + n) / (20 * xi + n))
self._tritanopic_response += - (12 / 11) * beta_g * numpy.log10((g + n) / (20 * eta + n))
self._tritanopic_response += (1 / 11) * beta_b * numpy.log10((b + n) / (20 * zeta + n))
logger.debug('t: {}'.format(self._tritanopic_response))
self._protanopic_response = (1 / 9) * beta_r * numpy.log10((r + n) / (20 * xi + n))
self._protanopic_response += (1 / 9) * beta_g * numpy.log10((g + n) / (20 * eta + n))
self._protanopic_response += - (2 / 9) * beta_b * numpy.log10((b + n) / (20 * zeta + n))
logger.debug('p: {}'.format(self._protanopic_response))
# Brightness
self._brightness = (50 / beta_l) * ((2 / 3) * beta_r + (1 / 3) * beta_g) + self._achromatic_response
self._brightness_ideal_white = (2 / 3) * beta_r * 1.758 * numpy.log10((100 * xi + n) / (20 * xi + n))
self._brightness_ideal_white += (1 / 3) * beta_g * 1.758 * numpy.log10((100 * eta + n) / (20 * eta + n))
self._brightness_ideal_white *= 41.69 / beta_l
self._brightness_ideal_white += (50 / beta_l) * (2 / 3) * beta_r
self._brightness_ideal_white += (50 / beta_l) * (1 / 3) * beta_g
# Lightness
self._lightness_achromatic = self._achromatic_response + 50
self._lightness_achromatic_normalized = 100 * (self._brightness / self._brightness_ideal_white)
# Hue
hue_angle_rad = numpy.arctan2(self._protanopic_response, self._tritanopic_response)
self._hue_angle = ((360 * hue_angle_rad / (2 * numpy.pi)) + 360) % 360
logger.debug('theta: {}'.format(self._hue_angle))
e_s_theta = self.chromatic_strength(hue_angle_rad)
logger.debug('E_s(theta): {}'.format(e_s_theta))
# Saturation
self._saturation_rg = (488.93 / beta_l) * e_s_theta * self._tritanopic_response
self._saturation_yb = (488.93 / beta_l) * e_s_theta * self._protanopic_response
logger.debug('S_RG: {}'.format(self._saturation_rg))
logger.debug('S_YB: {}'.format(self._saturation_yb))
self._saturation = numpy.sqrt((self._saturation_rg ** 2) + (self._saturation_yb ** 2))
logger.debug('S: {}'.format(self._saturation))
# Chroma
self._chroma_rg = ((self._lightness_achromatic / 50) ** 0.7) * self._saturation_rg
self._chroma_yb = ((self._lightness_achromatic / 50) ** 0.7) * self._saturation_yb
self._chroma = ((self._lightness_achromatic / 50) ** 0.7) * self._saturation
logger.debug('C: {}'.format(self._chroma))
# Colorfulness
self._colorfulness_rg = self._chroma_rg * self._brightness_ideal_white / 100
self._colorfulness_yb = self._chroma_yb * self._brightness_ideal_white / 100
self._colorfulness = self._chroma * self._brightness_ideal_white / 100
def chromatic_strength(angle):
result = 0.9394
result += - 0.2478 * numpy.sin(1 * angle)
result += - 0.0743 * numpy.sin(2 * angle)
result += + 0.0666 * numpy.sin(3 * angle)
result += - 0.0186 * numpy.sin(4 * angle)
result += - 0.0055 * numpy.cos(1 * angle)
result += - 0.0521 * numpy.cos(2 * angle)
result += - 0.0573 * numpy.cos(3 * angle)
result += - 0.0061 * numpy.cos(4 * angle)
return result
def _compute_scaling_coefficient(a, b):
return numpy.where(a >= (20 * b), 1.758, 1)
def _beta_1(x):
return (6.469 + 6.362 * (x ** 0.4495)) / (6.469 + (x ** 0.4495))
def _beta_2(x):
return 0.7844 * (8.414 + 8.091 * (x ** 0.5128)) / (8.414 + (x ** 0.5128))
xyz_to_rgb_m = numpy.array([[0.40024, 0.70760, -0.08081],
[-0.22630, 1.16532, 0.04570],
[0, 0, 0.91822]])
def xyz_to_rgb(cls, xyz):
return cls.xyz_to_rgb_m.dot(xyz)
[docs]class Hunt(object):
* Fairchild, M. D. (2013). *Color appearance models*, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
* Hunt, R. W. G. (2005). *The reproduction of colour*. 5th Ed., John Wiley & Sons.
def hue_angle(self):
Predicted hue angle :math:`h_s`.
return self._hue_angle
def chroma(self):
Predicted chroma :math:`C_{94}`.
return self._chroma
def saturation(self):
Predicted saturation :math:`s`.
return self._saturation
def brightness(self):
Predicted brightness :math:`Q`.
return self._brightness
def colorfulness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`M_{94}`.
return self._colorfulness
def lightness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`J`.
return self._lightness
def __init__(self, x, y, z,
x_b, y_b, z_b,
x_w, y_w, z_w,
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_b: X value of background :math:`X_b`.
:param y_b: Y value of background :math:`Y_b`.
:param z_b: Z value of background :math:`Z_b`.
:param x_w: X value of reference white :math:`X_W`.
:param y_w: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_W`.
:param z_w: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_W`.
:param l_a: Adapting luminance :math:`L_A`.
:param n_c: Chromatic surround induction_factor :math:`N_c`.
:param n_b: Brightness surround induction factor :math:`N_b`.
:param l_as: Scotopic luminance of the illuminant :math:`L_{AS}`.
Will be approximated if not supplied.
:param cct_w: Correlated color temperature of illuminant :math:`T`.
Will be used to approximate l_as if not supplied.
:param n_cb: Chromatic background induction factor :math:`N_{cb}`.
Will be approximated using y_w and y_b if not supplied.
:param n_bb: Brightness background induction factor :math:`N_{bb}`.
Will be approximated using y_w and y_b if not supplied.
:param x_p: X value of proxima field :math:`X_p`.
If not supplied, will be assumed to equal background.
:param y_p: Y value of proxima field :math:`Y_p`.
If not supplied, will be assumed to equal background.
:param z_p: Z value of proxima field :math:`Z_p`.
If not supplied, will be assumed to equal background.
:param p: Simultaneous contrast/assimilation parameter.
:param helson_judd: Truth value indicating whether the Heslon-Judd effect should be accounted for.
Default False.
:param discount_illuminant: Truth value whether discount-the-illuminant should be applied. Default True.
:param s: Scotopic response to the stimulus.
:param s_w: Scotopic response for th reference white.
:raises ValueError: if illegal parameter combination is supplied.
if x_p is None:
x_p = x_b
logger.warn('Approximated x_p with x_b.')
if y_p is None:
y_p = y_b
logger.warn('Approximated y_p with y_b.')
if z_p is None:
z_p = y_b
logger.warn('Approximated z_p with z_b.')
if n_cb is None:
n_cb = 0.725 * (y_w / y_b) ** 0.2
logger.warn('Approximated n_cb.')
logger.debug('N_cb: {}'.format(n_cb))
if n_bb is None:
n_bb = 0.725 * (y_w / y_b) ** 0.2
logger.warn('Approximated n_bb.')
logger.debug('N_bb: {}'.format(n_cb))
if l_as is None:
logger.warn('Approximated scotopic luminance.')
if cct_w is None:
cct_w = self._get_cct(x_w, y_w, z_w)
logger.warn('Approximated cct_w: {}'.format(cct_w))
l_as = 2.26 * l_a
l_as *= ((cct_w / 4000) - 0.4) ** (1 / 3)
logger.debug('LA_S: {}'.format(l_as))
if s is None != s_w is None:
raise ValueError("Either both scotopic responses (s, s_w) need to be supplied or none.")
elif s is None and s_w is None:
s = y
s_w = y_w
logger.warn('Approximated scotopic response to stimulus and reference white.')
if p is None:
logger.warn('p not supplied. Model will not account for simultaneous chromatic contrast .')
xyz = numpy.array([x, y, z])
logger.debug('XYZ: {}'.format(xyz))
xyz_w = numpy.array([x_w, y_w, z_w])
logger.debug('XYZ_W: {}'.format(xyz_w))
xyz_b = numpy.array([x_b, y_b, z_b])
xyz_p = numpy.array([x_p, y_p, z_p])
k = 1 / (5 * l_a + 1)
logger.debug('k: {}'.format(k))
# luminance adaptation factor
f_l = 0.2 * (k ** 4) * (5 * l_a) + 0.1 * ((1 - (k ** 4)) ** 2) * ((5 * l_a) ** (1 / 3))
logger.debug('F_L: {}'.format(f_l))
logger.debug('--- Stimulus RGB adaptation start ----')
rgb_a = self._adaptation(f_l, l_a, xyz, xyz_w, xyz_b, xyz_p, p, helson_judd, discount_illuminant)
logger.debug('--- Stimulus RGB adaptation end ----')
r_a, g_a, b_a = rgb_a
logger.debug('RGB_A: {}'.format(rgb_a))
logger.debug('--- White RGB adaptation start ----')
rgb_aw = self._adaptation(f_l, l_a, xyz_w, xyz_w, xyz_b, xyz_p, p, helson_judd, discount_illuminant)
logger.debug('--- White RGB adaptation end ----')
r_aw, g_aw, b_aw = rgb_aw
logger.debug('RGB_AW: {}'.format(rgb_aw))
# ---------------------------
# Opponent Color Dimensions
# ---------------------------
# achromatic_cone_signal
a_a = 2 * r_a + g_a + (1 / 20) * b_a - 3.05 + 1
logger.debug('A_A: {}'.format(a_a))
a_aw = 2 * r_aw + g_aw + (1 / 20) * b_aw - 3.05 + 1
logger.debug('A_AW: {}'.format(a_aw))
c1 = r_a - g_a
logger.debug('C1: {}'.format(c1))
c2 = g_a - b_a
logger.debug('C2: {}'.format(c2))
c3 = b_a - r_a
logger.debug('C3: {}'.format(c3))
c1_w = r_aw - g_aw
logger.debug('C1_W: {}'.format(c1_w))
c2_w = g_aw - b_aw
logger.debug('C2_W: {}'.format(c2_w))
c3_w = b_aw - r_aw
logger.debug('C3_W: {}'.format(c3_w))
# -----
# Hue
# -----
self._hue_angle = (180 * numpy.arctan2(0.5 * (c2 - c3) / 4.5, c1 - (c2 / 11)) / numpy.pi) % 360
hue_angle_w = (180 * numpy.arctan2(0.5 * (c2_w - c3_w) / 4.5, c1_w - (c2_w / 11)) / numpy.pi) % 360
# -------------
# Saturation
# -------------
e_s = self._calculate_eccentricity_factor(self.hue_angle)
logger.debug('es: {}'.format(e_s))
e_s_w = self._calculate_eccentricity_factor(hue_angle_w)
f_t = l_a / (l_a + 0.1)
logger.debug('F_t: {}'.format(f_t))
m_yb = 100 * (0.5 * (c2 - c3) / 4.5) * (e_s * (10 / 13) * n_c * n_cb * f_t)
logger.debug('m_yb: {}'.format(m_yb))
m_rg = 100 * (c1 - (c2 / 11)) * (e_s * (10 / 13) * n_c * n_cb)
logger.debug('m_rg: {}'.format(m_rg))
m = ((m_rg ** 2) + (m_yb ** 2)) ** 0.5
logger.debug('m: {}'.format(m))
self._saturation = 50 * m / rgb_a.sum(axis=0)
m_yb_w = 100 * (0.5 * (c2_w - c3_w) / 4.5) * (e_s_w * (10 / 13) * n_c * n_cb * f_t)
m_rg_w = 100 * (c1_w - (c2_w / 11)) * (e_s_w * (10 / 13) * n_c * n_cb)
m_w = ((m_rg_w ** 2) + (m_yb_w ** 2)) ** 0.5
# ------------
# Brightness
# ------------
logger.debug('--- Stimulus achromatic signal START ----')
a = self._calculate_achromatic_signal(l_as, s, s_w, n_bb, a_a)
logger.debug('--- Stimulus achromatic signal END ----')
logger.debug('A: {}'.format(a))
logger.debug('--- White achromatic signal START ----')
a_w = self._calculate_achromatic_signal(l_as, s_w, s_w, n_bb, a_aw)
logger.debug('--- White achromatic signal END ----')
logger.debug('A_w: {}'.format(a_w))
n1 = ((7 * a_w) ** 0.5) / (5.33 * n_b ** 0.13)
n2 = (7 * a_w * n_b ** 0.362) / 200
logger.debug('N1: {}'.format(n1))
logger.debug('N2: {}'.format(n2))
self._brightness = ((7 * (a + (m / 100))) ** 0.6) * n1 - n2
brightness_w = ((7 * (a_w + (m_w / 100))) ** 0.6) * n1 - n2
logger.debug('Q: {}'.format(self.brightness))
logger.debug('Q_W: {}'.format(brightness_w))
# ----------
# Lightness
# ----------
z = 1 + (y_b / y_w) ** 0.5
logger.debug('z: {}'.format(z))
self._lightness = 100 * (self.brightness / brightness_w) ** z
# -------
# Chroma
# -------
self._chroma = 2.44 * (self.saturation ** 0.69) * ((self.brightness / brightness_w) ** (y_b / y_w)) * (
1.64 - 0.29 ** (y_b / y_w))
# -------------
# Colorfulness
# -------------
self._colorfulness = (f_l ** 0.15) * self.chroma
xyz_to_rgb_m = numpy.array([[0.38971, 0.68898, -0.07868],
[-0.22981, 1.18340, 0.04641],
[0, 0, 1]])
def xyz_to_rgb(cls, xyz):
return cls.xyz_to_rgb_m.dot(xyz)
def _adaptation(self, f_l, l_a, xyz, xyz_w, xyz_b, xyz_p=None, p=None, helson_judd=False, discount_illuminant=True):
:param f_l: Luminance adaptation factor
:param l_a: Adapting luminance
:param xyz: Stimulus color in XYZ
:param xyz_w: Reference white color in XYZ
:param xyz_b: Background color in XYZ
:param xyz_p: Proxima field color in XYZ
:param p: Simultaneous contrast/assimilation parameter.
rgb = self.xyz_to_rgb(xyz)
logger.debug('RGB: {}'.format(rgb))
rgb_w = self.xyz_to_rgb(xyz_w)
logger.debug('RGB_W: {}'.format(rgb_w))
y_w = xyz_w[1]
y_b = xyz_b[1]
h_rgb = 3 * rgb_w / (rgb_w.sum())
logger.debug('H_RGB: {}'.format(h_rgb))
# Chromatic adaptation factors
if not discount_illuminant:
f_rgb = (1 + (l_a ** (1 / 3)) + h_rgb) / (1 + (l_a ** (1 / 3)) + (1 / h_rgb))
f_rgb = numpy.ones(numpy.shape(h_rgb))
logger.debug('F_RGB: {}'.format(f_rgb))
# Adaptation factor
if helson_judd:
d_rgb = self._f_n((y_b / y_w) * f_l * f_rgb[1]) - self._f_n((y_b / y_w) * f_l * f_rgb)
assert d_rgb[1] == 0
d_rgb = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(f_rgb))
logger.debug('D_RGB: {}'.format(d_rgb))
# Cone bleaching factors
rgb_b = (10 ** 7) / ((10 ** 7) + 5 * l_a * (rgb_w / 100))
logger.debug('B_RGB: {}'.format(rgb_b))
if xyz_p is not None and p is not None:
logger.debug('Account for simultaneous chromatic contrast')
rgb_p = self.xyz_to_rgb(xyz_p)
rgb_w = self.adjust_white_for_scc(rgb_p, rgb_b, rgb_w, p)
# Adapt rgb using modified
rgb_a = 1 + rgb_b * (self._f_n(f_l * f_rgb * rgb / rgb_w) + d_rgb)
logger.debug('RGB_A: {}'.format(rgb_a))
return rgb_a
def adjust_white_for_scc(cls, rgb_p, rgb_b, rgb_w, p):
Adjust the white point for simultaneous chromatic contrast.
:param rgb_p: Cone signals of proxima field.
:param rgb_b: Cone signals of background.
:param rgb_w: Cone signals of reference white.
:param p: Simultaneous contrast/assimilation parameter.
:return: Adjusted cone signals for reference white.
p_rgb = rgb_p / rgb_b
rgb_w = rgb_w * (((1 - p) * p_rgb + (1 + p) / p_rgb) ** 0.5) / (((1 + p) * p_rgb + (1 - p) / p_rgb) ** 0.5)
return rgb_w
def _get_cct(x, y, z):
Hernandez-Andres, J., Lee, R. L., & Romero, J. (1999).
Calculating correlated color temperatures across the entire gamut of daylight and skylight chromaticities.
Applied Optics, 38(27), 5703-5709.
x_e = 0.3320
y_e = 0.1858
n = ((x / (x + z + z)) - x_e) / ((y / (x + z + z)) - y_e)
a_0 = -949.86315
a_1 = 6253.80338
a_2 = 28.70599
a_3 = 0.00004
t_1 = 0.92159
t_2 = 0.20039
t_3 = 0.07125
cct = a_0 + a_1 * numpy.exp(-n / t_1) + a_2 * numpy.exp(-n / t_2) + a_3 * numpy.exp(-n / t_3)
return cct
def calculate_scotopic_luminance(photopic_luminance, color_temperature):
return 2.26 * photopic_luminance * ((color_temperature / 4000) - 0.4) ** (1 / 3)
def _calculate_achromatic_signal(cls, l_as, s, s_w, n_bb, a_a):
j = 0.00001 / ((5 * l_as / 2.26) + 0.00001)
logger.debug('j: {}'.format(j))
f_ls = 3800 * (j ** 2) * (5 * l_as / 2.26)
f_ls += 0.2 * ((1 - (j ** 2)) ** 0.4) * ((5 * l_as / 2.26) ** (1 / 6))
logger.debug('F_LS: {}'.format(f_ls))
b_s = 0.5 / (1 + 0.3 * ((5 * l_as / 2.26) * (s / s_w)) ** 0.3)
b_s += 0.5 / (1 + 5 * (5 * l_as / 2.26))
logger.debug('B_S: {}'.format(b_s))
a_s = (cls._f_n(f_ls * s / s_w) * 3.05 * b_s) + 0.3
logger.debug('A_S: {}'.format(a_s))
return n_bb * (a_a - 1 + a_s - 0.3 + numpy.sqrt((1 + (0.3 ** 2))))
def _f_n(i):
Nonlinear response function.
return 40 * ((i ** 0.73) / (i ** 0.73 + 2))
def _calculate_eccentricity_factor(hue_angle):
h = numpy.array([20.14, 90, 164.25, 237.53])
e = numpy.array([0.8, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2])
out = numpy.interp(hue_angle, h, e)
out = numpy.where(hue_angle < 20.14, 0.856 - (hue_angle / 20.14) * 0.056, out)
out = numpy.where(hue_angle > 237.53, 0.856 + 0.344 * (360 - hue_angle) / (360 - 237.53), out)
return out
[docs]class RLAB(object):
* Fairchild, M. D. (1996). Refinement of the RLAB color space. *Color Research & Application*, 21(5), 338-346.
* Fairchild, M. D. (2013). *Color appearance models*, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
def hue_angle(self):
Predicted hue angle :math:`h^R`.
return self._hue_angle
def chroma(self):
Predicted chroma :math:`C^R`.
return self._chroma
def saturation(self):
Predicted saturation :math:`s^R`.
return self._saturation
def lightness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`L^R`.
return self._lightness
def a(self):
Predicted red-green chromatic response :math:`a^R`.
return self._a
def b(self):
Predicted yellow-blue chromatic response :math:`b^R`.
return self._b
R = numpy.array([[1.9569, -1.1882, 0.2313],
[0.3612, 0.6388, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
def __init__(self, x, y, z, x_n, y_n, z_n, y_n_abs, sigma, d):
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_n: X value of reference white :math:`X_n`.
:param y_n: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_n`.
:param z_n: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_n`.
:param y_n_abs: Absolute luminance :math:`Y_n` of a white object in cd/m^2.
:param sigma: Relative luminance parameter :math:`\sigma`. For average surround set :math:`\sigma=1/2.3`,
for dim surround :math:`\sigma=1/2.9` and for dark surround :math:`\sigma=1/3.5`.
:param d: Degree of adaptation :math:`D`.
xyz = numpy.array([x, y, z])
xyz_n = numpy.array([x_n, y_n, z_n])
lms = Hunt.xyz_to_rgb(xyz)
lms_n = Hunt.xyz_to_rgb(xyz_n)
logger.debug('LMS: {}'.format(lms))
logger.debug('LMS_n: {}'.format(lms_n))
lms_e = (3 * lms_n) / (lms_n[0] + lms_n[1] + lms_n[2])
lms_p = (1 + (y_n_abs ** (1 / 3)) + lms_e) / (
1 + (y_n_abs ** (1 / 3)) + (1 / lms_e))
logger.debug('LMS_e: {}'.format(lms_e))
logger.debug('LMS_p: {}'.format(lms_p))
lms_a = (lms_p + d * (1 - lms_p)) / lms_n
logger.debug('LMS_a: {}'.format(lms_a))
# If we want to allow arrays as input we need special handling here.
if len(numpy.shape(x)) == 0:
# Okay so just a number, we can do things by the book.
a = numpy.diag(lms_a)
logger.debug('A: {}'.format(a))
xyz_ref = self.R.dot(a).dot(Hunt.xyz_to_rgb_m).dot(xyz)
# So we have an array. Since constructing huge multidimensional
# arrays might not bee the best idea, we will handle each input
# dimension separately. First figure out how many values we have to
# deal with.
input_dim = len(x)
# No create the ouput array that we will fill layer by layer
xyz_ref = numpy.zeros((3, input_dim))
for layer in range(input_dim):
a = numpy.diag(lms_a[..., layer])
logger.debug('A layer {}: {}'.format(layer, a))
xyz_ref[..., layer] = self.R.dot(a).dot(Hunt.xyz_to_rgb_m).dot(xyz[..., layer])
logger.debug('XYZ_ref: {}'.format(xyz_ref))
x_ref, y_ref, z_ref = xyz_ref
# Lightness
self._lightness = 100 * (y_ref ** sigma)
logger.debug('lightness: {}'.format(self.lightness))
# Opponent Color Dimensions
self._a = 430 * ((x_ref ** sigma) - (y_ref ** sigma))
self._b = 170 * ((y_ref ** sigma) - (z_ref ** sigma))
logger.debug('a: {}'.format(self._a))
logger.debug('b: {}'.format(self._b))
# Hue
self._hue_angle = (360 * numpy.arctan2(self._b, self._a) / (2 * numpy.pi) + 360) % 360
# Chroma
self._chroma = numpy.sqrt((self._a ** 2) + (self._b ** 2))
# Saturation
self._saturation = self.chroma / self.lightness
[docs]class ATD95(object):
* Fairchild, M. D. (2013). *Color appearance models*, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
* Guth, S. L. (1995, April). Further applications of the ATD model for color vision. In *IS&T/SPIE's Symposium
on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology* (pp. 12-26). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
def hue(self):
Predicted hue :math:`H`.
return self._hue
def brightness(self):
Predicted brightness :math:`Br`.
return self._brightness
def saturation(self):
Predicted saturation :math:`C`.
return self._saturation
def __init__(self, x, y, z, x_0, y_0, z_0, y_0_abs, k_1, k_2, sigma=300):
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_0: X value of reference white :math:`X_0`.
:param y_0: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_0`.
:param z_0: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_0`.
:param y_0_abs: Absolute adapting luminance :math:`Y_0` in cd/m^2.
:param k_1: :math:`k_1`
:param k_2: :math:`k_2`
:param sigma: :math:`\sigma`
xyz = self._scale_to_luminance(numpy.array([x, y, z]), y_0_abs)
xyz_0 = self._scale_to_luminance(numpy.array([x_0, y_0, z_0]), y_0_abs)
logger.debug('Scaled XYZ: {}'.format(xyz))
logger.debug('Scaled XYZ_0: {}'.format(xyz))
# Adaptation Model
lms = self._xyz_to_lms(xyz)
logger.debug('LMS: {}'.format(lms))
xyz_a = k_1 * xyz + k_2 * xyz_0
logger.debug('XYZ_a: {}'.format(xyz_a))
lms_a = self._xyz_to_lms(xyz_a)
logger.debug('LMS_a: {}'.format(lms_a))
l_g, m_g, s_g = lms * (sigma / (sigma + lms_a))
# Opponent Color Dimensions
a_1i = 3.57 * l_g + 2.64 * m_g
t_1i = 7.18 * l_g - 6.21 * m_g
d_1i = -0.7 * l_g + 0.085 * m_g + s_g
a_2i = 0.09 * a_1i
t_2i = 0.43 * t_1i + 0.76 * d_1i
d_2i = d_1i
self._a_1 = self._calculate_final_response(a_1i)
self._t_1 = self._calculate_final_response(t_1i)
self._d_1 = self._calculate_final_response(d_1i)
self._a_2 = self._calculate_final_response(a_2i)
self._t_2 = self._calculate_final_response(t_2i)
self._d_2 = self._calculate_final_response(d_2i)
# Perceptual Correlates
self._brightness = (self._a_1 ** 2 + self._t_1 ** 2 + self._d_1 ** 2) ** 0.5
self._saturation = (self._t_2 ** 2 + self._d_2 ** 2) ** 0.5 / self._a_2
self._hue = self._t_2 / self._d_2
def _calculate_final_response(value):
return value / (200 + abs(value))
def _scale_to_luminance(xyz, absolute_adapting_luminance):
return 18 * (absolute_adapting_luminance * xyz / 100) ** 0.8
def _xyz_to_lms(xyz):
x, y, z = xyz
l = ((0.66 * (0.2435 * x + 0.8524 * y - 0.0516 * z)) ** 0.7) + 0.024
m = ((-0.3954 * x + 1.1642 * y + 0.0837 * z) ** 0.7) + 0.036
s = ((0.43 * (0.04 * y + 0.6225 * z)) ** 0.7) + 0.31
return numpy.array([l, m, s])
[docs]class LLAB(object):
* Fairchild, M. D. (2013). *Color appearance models*, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
* Luo, M. R., & Morovic, J. (1996, September). Two unsolved issues in colour management-colour appearance and
gamut mapping. In *5th International Conference on High Technology* (pp. 136-147).
* Luo, M. R., Lo, M. C., & Kuo, W. G. (1996). The LLAB (l: c) colour model.
*Color Research & Application*, 21(6), 412-429.
def hue_angle(self):
Predicted hue angle :math:`h_L`.
return self._hue_angle
def chroma(self):
Predicted chroma :math:`Ch_L`.
return self._chroma
def saturation(self):
Predicted saturation :math:`s_L`.
return self._saturation
def lightness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`L_L`.
return self._lightness
def a_l(self):
Predicted red-green chromatic response :math:`A_L`.
return self._a_l
def b_l(self):
Predicted yellow-blue chromatic response :math:`B_L`.
return self._b_l
def __init__(self, x, y, z, x_0, y_0, z_0, y_b, f_s, f_l, f_c, l, d=1):
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_0: X value of reference white :math:`X_0`.
:param y_0: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_0`.
:param z_0: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_0`.
:param y_b: Luminance factor of the background :math:`Y_b` in cd/m^2.
:param f_s: Surround induction factor :math:`F_S`.
:param f_l: Lightness induction factor :math:`F_L`.
:param f_c: Chroma induction factor :math:`F_C`.
:param l: Absolute luminance of reference white :math:`L` in cd/m^2.
:param d: Discounting-the-Illuminant factor :math:`D`.
xyz = numpy.array([x, y, z])
logger.debug('XYZ: {}'.format([x, y, z]))
xyz_0 = numpy.array([x_0, y_0, z_0])
r, g, b = self.xyz_to_rgb(xyz)
logger.debug('RGB: {}'.format([r, g, b]))
r_0, g_0, b_0 = self.xyz_to_rgb(xyz_0)
logger.debug('RGB_0: {}'.format([r_0, g_0, b_0]))
xyz_0r = numpy.array([95.05, 100, 108.88])
r_0r, g_0r, b_0r = self.xyz_to_rgb(xyz_0r)
logger.debug('RGB_0r: {}'.format([r_0r, g_0r, b_0r]))
beta = (b_0 / b_0r) ** 0.0834
logger.debug('beta: {}'.format(beta))
r_r = (d * (r_0r / r_0) + 1 - d) * r
g_r = (d * (g_0r / g_0) + 1 - d) * g
b_r = (d * (b_0r / (b_0 ** beta)) + 1 - d) * (abs(b) ** beta)
logger.debug('RGB_r: {}'.format([r_r, g_r, b_r]))
rgb_r = numpy.array([r_r, g_r, b_r])
# m_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(self.xyz_to_rgb_m)
m_inv = numpy.array([[0.987, -0.1471, 0.16],
[0.4323, 0.5184, 0.0493],
[-0.0085, 0.04, 0.9685]])
x_r, y_r, z_r = m_inv.dot(rgb_r * y)
logger.debug('XYZ_r: {}'.format([x_r, y_r, z_r]))
# Opponent Color Dimension
def f(w):
return numpy.where(w > 0.008856,
w ** (1 / f_s),
(((0.008856 ** (1 / f_s)) - (16 / 116)) / 0.008856) * w + (16 / 116))
# lightness_contrast_exponent
z = 1 + f_l * ((y_b / 100) ** 0.5)
logger.debug('z: {}'.format(z))
self._lightness = 116 * (f(y_r / 100) ** z) - 16
a = 500 * (f(x_r / 95.05) - f(y_r / 100))
b = 200 * (f(y_r / 100) - f(z_r / 108.88))
logger.debug('A: {}'.format(a))
logger.debug('B: {}'.format(b))
logger.debug('f(Xr): {}'.format(f(x_r / 95.05)))
logger.debug('f(Yr): {}'.format(f(y_r / 100)))
logger.debug('f(Zr): {}'.format(f(z_r / 108.88)))
# Perceptual Correlates
c = (a ** 2 + b ** 2) ** 0.5
self._chroma = 25 * numpy.log(1 + 0.05 * c)
s_c = 1 + 0.47 * numpy.log10(l) - 0.057 * numpy.log10(l) ** 2
s_m = 0.7 + 0.02 * self._lightness - 0.0002 * self._lightness ** 2
c_l = self._chroma * s_m * s_c * f_c
self._saturation = self._chroma / self._lightness
hue_angle_rad = numpy.arctan2(b, a)
self._hue_angle = hue_angle_rad * 360 / (2 * numpy.pi) % 360
self._a_l = c_l * numpy.cos(hue_angle_rad)
self._b_l = c_l * numpy.sin(hue_angle_rad)
xyz_to_rgb_m = numpy.array([[0.8951, 0.2664, -0.1614],
[-0.7502, 1.7135, 0.0367],
[0.0389, -0.0685, 1.0296]])
def xyz_to_rgb(cls, xyz):
return cls.xyz_to_rgb_m.dot(xyz / xyz[1])
[docs]class CIECAM02(object):
* CIE TC 8-01 (2004). A Color appearance model for color management systems.
Publication 159. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau. ISBN 3-901906-29-0.
* Fairchild, M. D. (2013). *Color appearance models*, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
def hue_angle(self):
Predicted hue angle :math:`h`.
return self._h
def chroma(self):
Predicted chroma :math:`C`.
return self._chroma
def saturation(self):
Predicted saturation :math:`s_L`.
return self._saturation
def lightness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`J`.
return self._lightness
def brightness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`Q`.
return self._brightness
def colorfulness(self):
Predicted colorfulness :math:`M`.
return self._colorfulness
def a(self):
Predicted red-green chromatic response :math:`a`.
return self._a
def b(self):
Predicted yellow-blue chromatic response :math:`b`.
return self._b
M_CAT02 = numpy.array([[0.7328, 0.4296, -0.1624],
[-0.7036, 1.6975, 0.0061],
[0.0030, 0.0136, 0.9834]])
M_CAT02_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(M_CAT02)
M_HPE = numpy.array([[0.38971, 0.68898, -0.07868],
[-0.22981, 1.18340, 0.04641],
[0, 0, 1]])
def __init__(self, x, y, z, x_w, y_w, z_w, y_b, l_a, c, n_c, f, d=False):
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_w: X value of reference white :math:`X_W`.
:param y_w: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_W`.
:param z_w: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_W`.
:param y_b: Background relative luminance :math:`Y_b`.
:param l_a: Adapting luminance :math:`L_A` in cd/m^2.
:param c: Exponential nonlinearity :math:`c`. (Average/Dim/Dark) (0.69/0.59/0.525).
:param n_c: Chromatic induction factor :math:`N_c`. (Average/Dim/Dark) (1.0,0.9,0.8).
:param f: Maximum degree of adaptation :math:`F`. (Average/Dim/Dark) (1.0/0.9/0.8).
:param d: Discount-the-Illuminant factor :math:`D`.
xyz = numpy.array([x, y, z])
xyz_w = numpy.array([x_w, y_w, z_w])
# Determine the degree of adaptation
if not d:
d = self._compute_degree_of_adaptation(f, l_a)
d = 1
logger.debug("D: {}".format(d))
# Compute viewing condition dependant components
k = 1 / (5 * l_a + 1)
logger.debug("k: {}".format(k))
f_l = 0.2 * (k ** 4) * 5 * l_a + 0.1 * (1 - k ** 4) ** 2 * (5 * l_a) ** (1 / 3)
logger.debug("F_L: {}".format(f_l))
n = y_b / y_w
logger.debug("n: {}".format(n))
self.n_bb = self.n_cb = 0.725 * n ** -0.2
z = 1.48 + numpy.sqrt(n)
logger.debug("z: {}".format(z))
rgb_a, rgb_aw = self._compute_adaptation(xyz, xyz_w, f_l, d)
logger.debug("RGB'a: {}".format(rgb_a))
logger.debug("RGB'aw: {}".format(rgb_aw))
r_a, g_a, b_a = rgb_a
r_aw, g_aw, b_aw = rgb_aw
# Opponent Color Dimensions
self._a = r_a - 12 * g_a / 11 + b_a / 11
self._b = (1 / 9) * (r_a + g_a - 2 * b_a)
# Hue
self._h = 360 * numpy.arctan2(self._b, self._a) / (2 * numpy.pi)
e_t = (1 / 4) * (numpy.cos(2 + self._h * numpy.pi / 180) + 3.8)
# Lightness
a = self._compute_achromatic_response(r_a, g_a, b_a, self.n_bb)
logger.debug('A: {}'.format(a))
a_w = self._compute_achromatic_response(r_aw, g_aw, b_aw, self.n_bb)
logger.debug('A_W: {}'.format(a_w))
self._lightness = 100 * (a / a_w) ** (c * z) # 16.24
# Brightness
# self._brightness = self.compute_brightness(self.lightness, surround, a_w, f_l)
self._brightness = (4 / c) * numpy.sqrt(self._lightness / 100) * (a_w + 4) * f_l ** 0.25
# Chroma
# self.chroma = self.compute_chroma(rgb_a, self.lightness, surround, self.N_cb, e_t, self.a, self.b, n)
t = ((50000 / 13) * n_c * self.n_cb * e_t * numpy.sqrt((self._a ** 2) + (self._b ** 2))) / (
rgb_a[0] + rgb_a[1] + (21 / 20) * rgb_a[2])
self._chroma = (t ** 0.9) * numpy.sqrt(self._lightness / 100) * ((1.64 - 0.29 ** n) ** 0.73)
# Colorfulness
self._colorfulness = self.chroma * f_l ** 0.25
# Saturation
self._saturation = 100 * numpy.sqrt(self._colorfulness / self._brightness)
# Cartesian coordinates
self.a_c, self.b_c = self._compute_cartesian_coordinates(self.chroma, self._h)
self.a_m, self.b_m = self._compute_cartesian_coordinates(self._colorfulness, self._h)
self.a_s, self.b_s = self._compute_cartesian_coordinates(self.saturation, self._h)
def _compute_adaptation(cls, xyz, xyz_w, f_l, d):
# Transform input colors to cone responses
rgb = cls._xyz_to_rgb(xyz)
logger.debug("RGB: {}".format(rgb))
rgb_w = cls._xyz_to_rgb(xyz_w)
logger.debug("RGB_W: {}".format(rgb_w))
# Compute adapted tristimulus-responses
rgb_c = cls._white_adaption(rgb, rgb_w, d)
logger.debug("RGB_C: {}".format(rgb_c))
rgb_cw = cls._white_adaption(rgb_w, rgb_w, d)
logger.debug("RGB_CW: {}".format(rgb_cw))
# Convert adapted tristimulus-responses to Hunt-Pointer-Estevez fundamentals
rgb_p = cls._compute_hunt_pointer_estevez_fundamentals(rgb_c)
logger.debug("RGB': {}".format(rgb_p))
rgb_wp = cls._compute_hunt_pointer_estevez_fundamentals(rgb_cw)
logger.debug("RGB'_W: {}".format(rgb_wp))
# Compute post-adaptation non-linearities
rgb_ap = cls._compute_nonlinearities(f_l, rgb_p)
rgb_awp = cls._compute_nonlinearities(f_l, rgb_wp)
return rgb_ap, rgb_awp
def _xyz_to_rgb(xyz):
return numpy.dot(CIECAM02.M_CAT02, xyz)
def _rgb_to_xyz(rgb):
return numpy.dot(CIECAM02.M_CAT02_inv, rgb)
def _white_adaption(rgb, rgb_w, d=1):
return ((100 * d / rgb_w) + (1 - d)) * rgb
def _compute_degree_of_adaptation(surround_conditions, adapting_luminance):
return surround_conditions * (1 - (1 / 3.6) * numpy.exp((-adapting_luminance - 42) / 92))
def _compute_hunt_pointer_estevez_fundamentals(rgb):
return numpy.dot(numpy.dot(CIECAM02.M_HPE, CIECAM02.M_CAT02_inv), rgb)
def _compute_nonlinearities(f_l, rgb):
return 0.1 + (400 * (f_l * rgb / 100) ** 0.42) / (27.13 + (f_l * rgb / 100) ** 0.42)
def _compute_achromatic_response(r, g, b, n_bb):
return (2 * r + g + (1 / 20) * b - 0.305) * n_bb
def _compute_cartesian_coordinates(value, hue):
a = value * numpy.cos(hue * numpy.pi / 180) # 16.30
b = value * numpy.sin(hue * numpy.pi / 180) # 16.31
return a, b
[docs]class CIECAM02m1(CIECAM02):
* Wu, R. C., & Wardman, R. H. (2007). Proposed modification to the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to include the
simultaneous contrast effects. *Color Research & Application*, 32(2), 121-129.
def __init__(self, x, y, z, x_w, y_w, z_w, x_b, y_b, z_b, l_a, c, n_c, f, p, d=False):
:param x: X value of test sample :math:`X`.
:param y: Y value of test sample :math:`Y`.
:param z: Z value of test sample :math:`Z`.
:param x_w: X value of reference white :math:`X_W`.
:param y_w: Y value of reference white :math:`Y_W`.
:param z_w: Z value of reference white :math:`Z_W`.
:param x_b: X value of background :math:`X_b`.
:param y_b: Y value of background :math:`Y_b`.
:param z_b: Z value of background :math:`Z_b`.
:param l_a: Adapting luminance :math:`L_A` in cd/m^2.
:param c: Exponential nonlinearity :math:`c`. (Average/Dim/Dark) (0.69/0.59/5.25).
:param n_c: Chromatic induction factor :math:`N_c`. (Average/Dim/Dark) (1.0,0.9,0.8).
:param f: Maximum degree of adaptation :math:`F`. (Average/Dim/Dark) (1.0/0.9/0.8).
:param p: Simultaneous contrast/assimilation parameter.
:param d: Discount-the-Illuminant factor :math:`D`.
self._p = p
self._xyz_b = numpy.array([x_b, y_b, z_b])
super(CIECAM02m1, self).__init__(x, y, z, x_w, y_w, z_w, y_b, l_a, c, n_c, f, d)
def _compute_adaptation(self, xyz, xyz_w, f_l, d):
Modified adaptation procedure incorporating simultaneous chromatic contrast from Hunt model.
:param xyz: Stimulus XYZ.
:param xyz_w: Reference white XYZ.
:param f_l: Luminance adaptation factor
:param d: Degree of adaptation.
:return: Tuple of adapted rgb and rgb_w arrays.
# Transform input colors to cone responses
rgb = self._xyz_to_rgb(xyz)
logger.debug("RGB: {}".format(rgb))
rgb_b = self._xyz_to_rgb(self._xyz_b)
rgb_w = self._xyz_to_rgb(xyz_w)
rgb_w = Hunt.adjust_white_for_scc(rgb, rgb_b, rgb_w, self._p)
logger.debug("RGB_W: {}".format(rgb_w))
# Compute adapted tristimulus-responses
rgb_c = self._white_adaption(rgb, rgb_w, d)
logger.debug("RGB_C: {}".format(rgb_c))
rgb_cw = self._white_adaption(rgb_w, rgb_w, d)
logger.debug("RGB_CW: {}".format(rgb_cw))
# Convert adapted tristimulus-responses to Hunt-Pointer-Estevez fundamentals
rgb_p = self._compute_hunt_pointer_estevez_fundamentals(rgb_c)
logger.debug("RGB': {}".format(rgb_p))
rgb_wp = self._compute_hunt_pointer_estevez_fundamentals(rgb_cw)
logger.debug("RGB'_W: {}".format(rgb_wp))
# Compute post-adaptation non-linearities
rgb_ap = self._compute_nonlinearities(f_l, rgb_p)
rgb_awp = self._compute_nonlinearities(f_l, rgb_wp)
return rgb_ap, rgb_awp