Source code for colormath.color_conversions

Conversion between color spaces.

.. note:: This module makes extensive use of imports within functions.
    That stinks.

import math
import logging

import numpy

from colormath import color_constants
from colormath import spectral_constants
from colormath.color_objects import ColorBase, XYZColor, sRGBColor, LCHabColor, \
    LCHuvColor, LabColor, xyYColor, LuvColor, HSVColor, HSLColor, CMYColor, \
from colormath.chromatic_adaptation import apply_chromatic_adaptation
from colormath.color_exceptions import InvalidIlluminantError, UndefinedConversionError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def apply_RGB_matrix(var1, var2, var3, rgb_type, convtype="xyz_to_rgb"):
    Applies an RGB working matrix to convert from XYZ to RGB.
    The arguments are tersely named var1, var2, and var3 to allow for the passing
    of XYZ _or_ RGB values. var1 is X for XYZ, and R for RGB. var2 and var3
    follow suite.

    convtype = convtype.lower()
    # Retrieve the appropriate transformation matrix from the constants.
    rgb_matrix = rgb_type.conversion_matrices[convtype]
    logger.debug("  \* Applying RGB conversion matrix: %s->%s",
                 rgb_type.__class__.__name__, convtype)
    # Stuff the RGB/XYZ values into a NumPy matrix for conversion.
    var_matrix = numpy.array((
        var1, var2, var3
    # Perform the adaptation via matrix multiplication.
    result_matrix =, rgb_matrix)
    return result_matrix[0], result_matrix[1], result_matrix[2]

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def Spectral_to_XYZ(cobj, illuminant_override=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts spectral readings to XYZ.
    # If the user provides an illuminant_override numpy array, use it.
    if illuminant_override:
        reference_illum = illuminant_override
        # Otherwise, look up the illuminant from known standards based
        # on the value of 'illuminant' pulled from the SpectralColor object.
            reference_illum = spectral_constants.REF_ILLUM_TABLE[cobj.illuminant]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidIlluminantError(cobj.illuminant)
    # Get the spectral distribution of the selected standard observer.
    if == '10':
        std_obs_x = spectral_constants.STDOBSERV_X10
        std_obs_y = spectral_constants.STDOBSERV_Y10
        std_obs_z = spectral_constants.STDOBSERV_Z10
        # Assume 2 degree, since it is theoretically the only other possibility.
        std_obs_x = spectral_constants.STDOBSERV_X2
        std_obs_y = spectral_constants.STDOBSERV_Y2
        std_obs_z = spectral_constants.STDOBSERV_Z2
    # This is a NumPy array containing the spectral distribution of the color.
    sample = cobj.get_numpy_array()
    # The denominator is constant throughout the entire calculation for X,
    # Y, and Z coordinates. Calculate it once and re-use.
    denom = std_obs_y * reference_illum
    # This is also a common element in the calculation whereby the sample
    # NumPy array is multiplied by the reference illuminant's power distribution
    # (which is also a NumPy array).
    sample_by_ref_illum = sample * reference_illum
    # Calculate the numerator of the equation to find X.
    x_numerator = sample_by_ref_illum * std_obs_x
    y_numerator = sample_by_ref_illum * std_obs_y
    z_numerator = sample_by_ref_illum * std_obs_z
    xyz_x = x_numerator.sum() / denom.sum()
    xyz_y = y_numerator.sum() / denom.sum()
    xyz_z = z_numerator.sum() / denom.sum()
    return XYZColor(
        xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def Lab_to_LCHab(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from CIE Lab to LCH(ab).
    lch_l = cobj.lab_l
    lch_c = math.sqrt(math.pow(float(cobj.lab_a), 2) + math.pow(float(cobj.lab_b), 2))
    lch_h = math.atan2(float(cobj.lab_b), float(cobj.lab_a))
    if lch_h > 0:
        lch_h = (lch_h / math.pi) * 180
        lch_h = 360 - (math.fabs(lch_h) / math.pi) * 180
    return LCHabColor(
        lch_l, lch_c, lch_h,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def Lab_to_XYZ(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from Lab to XYZ

    illum = cobj.get_illuminant_xyz()
    xyz_y = (cobj.lab_l + 16.0) / 116.0
    xyz_x = cobj.lab_a / 500.0 + xyz_y
    xyz_z = xyz_y - cobj.lab_b / 200.0
    if math.pow(xyz_y, 3) > color_constants.CIE_E:
        xyz_y = math.pow(xyz_y, 3)
        xyz_y = (xyz_y - 16.0 / 116.0) / 7.787

    if math.pow(xyz_x, 3) > color_constants.CIE_E:
        xyz_x = math.pow(xyz_x, 3)
        xyz_x = (xyz_x - 16.0 / 116.0) / 7.787
    if math.pow(xyz_z, 3) > color_constants.CIE_E:
        xyz_z = math.pow(xyz_z, 3)
        xyz_z = (xyz_z - 16.0 / 116.0) / 7.787
    xyz_x = (illum["X"] * xyz_x)
    xyz_y = (illum["Y"] * xyz_y)
    xyz_z = (illum["Z"] * xyz_z)
    return XYZColor(
        xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def Luv_to_LCHuv(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from CIE Luv to LCH(uv).
    lch_l = cobj.luv_l
    lch_c = math.sqrt(math.pow(cobj.luv_u, 2.0) + math.pow(cobj.luv_v, 2.0))
    lch_h = math.atan2(float(cobj.luv_v), float(cobj.luv_u))
    if lch_h > 0:
        lch_h = (lch_h / math.pi) * 180
        lch_h = 360 - (math.fabs(lch_h) / math.pi) * 180
    return LCHuvColor(
        lch_l, lch_c, lch_h,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def Luv_to_XYZ(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from Luv to XYZ.

    illum = cobj.get_illuminant_xyz()
    # Without Light, there is no color. Short-circuit this and avoid some
    # zero division errors in the var_a_frac calculation.
    if cobj.luv_l <= 0.0:
        xyz_x = 0.0
        xyz_y = 0.0
        xyz_z = 0.0
        return XYZColor(
            xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

    # Various variables used throughout the conversion.
    cie_k_times_e = color_constants.CIE_K * color_constants.CIE_E
    u_sub_0 = (4.0 * illum["X"]) / (illum["X"] + 15.0 * illum["Y"] + 3.0 * illum["Z"])
    v_sub_0 = (9.0 * illum["Y"]) / (illum["X"] + 15.0 * illum["Y"] + 3.0 * illum["Z"])
    var_u = cobj.luv_u / (13.0 * cobj.luv_l) + u_sub_0
    var_v = cobj.luv_v / (13.0 * cobj.luv_l) + v_sub_0

    # Y-coordinate calculations.
    if cobj.luv_l > cie_k_times_e:
        xyz_y = math.pow((cobj.luv_l + 16.0) / 116.0, 3.0)
        xyz_y = cobj.luv_l / color_constants.CIE_K

    # X-coordinate calculation.
    xyz_x = xyz_y * 9.0 * var_u / (4.0 * var_v)
    # Z-coordinate calculation.
    xyz_z = xyz_y * (12.0 - 3.0 * var_u - 20.0 * var_v) / (4.0 * var_v)

    return XYZColor(
        xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z, illuminant=cobj.illuminant,

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def LCHab_to_Lab(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from LCH(ab) to Lab.
    lab_l = cobj.lch_l
    lab_a = math.cos(math.radians(cobj.lch_h)) * cobj.lch_c
    lab_b = math.sin(math.radians(cobj.lch_h)) * cobj.lch_c
    return LabColor(
        lab_l, lab_a, lab_b, illuminant=cobj.illuminant,

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def LCHuv_to_Luv(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from LCH(uv) to Luv.
    luv_l = cobj.lch_l
    luv_u = math.cos(math.radians(cobj.lch_h)) * cobj.lch_c
    luv_v = math.sin(math.radians(cobj.lch_h)) * cobj.lch_c
    return LuvColor(
        luv_l, luv_u, luv_v, illuminant=cobj.illuminant,

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def xyY_to_XYZ(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from xyY to XYZ.
    xyz_x = (cobj.xyy_x * cobj.xyy_Y) / cobj.xyy_y
    xyz_y = cobj.xyy_Y
    xyz_z = ((1.0 - cobj.xyy_x - cobj.xyy_y) * xyz_y) / cobj.xyy_y
    return XYZColor(
        xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z, illuminant=cobj.illuminant,

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def XYZ_to_xyY(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from XYZ to xyY.

    xyy_x = cobj.xyz_x / (cobj.xyz_x + cobj.xyz_y + cobj.xyz_z)
    xyy_y = cobj.xyz_y / (cobj.xyz_x + cobj.xyz_y + cobj.xyz_z)
    xyy_Y = cobj.xyz_y

    return xyYColor(
        xyy_x, xyy_y, xyy_Y,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def XYZ_to_Luv(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Convert from XYZ to Luv
    temp_x = cobj.xyz_x
    temp_y = cobj.xyz_y
    temp_z = cobj.xyz_z
    luv_u = (4.0 * temp_x) / (temp_x + (15.0 * temp_y) + (3.0 * temp_z))
    luv_v = (9.0 * temp_y) / (temp_x + (15.0 * temp_y) + (3.0 * temp_z))

    illum = cobj.get_illuminant_xyz()
    temp_y = temp_y / illum["Y"]
    if temp_y > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_y = math.pow(temp_y, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_y = (7.787 * temp_y) + (16.0 / 116.0)
    ref_U = (4.0 * illum["X"]) / (illum["X"] + (15.0 * illum["Y"]) + (3.0 * illum["Z"]))
    ref_V = (9.0 * illum["Y"]) / (illum["X"] + (15.0 * illum["Y"]) + (3.0 * illum["Z"]))
    luv_l = (116.0 * temp_y) - 16.0
    luv_u = 13.0 * luv_l * (luv_u - ref_U)
    luv_v = 13.0 * luv_l * (luv_v - ref_V)
    return LuvColor(
        luv_l, luv_u, luv_v,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def XYZ_to_Lab(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts XYZ to Lab.

    illum = cobj.get_illuminant_xyz()
    temp_x = cobj.xyz_x / illum["X"]
    temp_y = cobj.xyz_y / illum["Y"]
    temp_z = cobj.xyz_z / illum["Z"]
    if temp_x > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_x = math.pow(temp_x, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_x = (7.787 * temp_x) + (16.0 / 116.0)     

    if temp_y > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_y = math.pow(temp_y, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_y = (7.787 * temp_y) + (16.0 / 116.0)
    if temp_z > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_z = math.pow(temp_z, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_z = (7.787 * temp_z) + (16.0 / 116.0)
    lab_l = (116.0 * temp_y) - 16.0
    lab_a = 500.0 * (temp_x - temp_y)
    lab_b = 200.0 * (temp_y - temp_z)
    return LabColor(
        lab_l, lab_a, lab_b,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def XYZ_to_RGB(cobj, target_rgb, *args, **kwargs):
    XYZ to RGB conversion.

    temp_X = cobj.xyz_x
    temp_Y = cobj.xyz_y
    temp_Z = cobj.xyz_z

    logger.debug("  \- Target RGB space: %s", target_rgb)
    target_illum = target_rgb.native_illuminant
    logger.debug("  \- Target native illuminant: %s", target_illum)
    logger.debug("  \- XYZ color's illuminant: %s", cobj.illuminant)
    # If the XYZ values were taken with a different reference white than the
    # native reference white of the target RGB space, a transformation matrix
    # must be applied.
    if cobj.illuminant != target_illum:
        logger.debug("  \* Applying transformation from %s to %s ",
                     cobj.illuminant, target_illum)
        # Get the adjusted XYZ values, adapted for the target illuminant.
        temp_X, temp_Y, temp_Z = apply_chromatic_adaptation(
            temp_X, temp_Y, temp_Z,
            orig_illum=cobj.illuminant, targ_illum=target_illum)
        logger.debug("  \*   New values: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f",
                     temp_X, temp_Y, temp_Z)
    # Apply an RGB working space matrix to the XYZ values (matrix mul).
    rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b = apply_RGB_matrix(
        temp_X, temp_Y, temp_Z,
        rgb_type=target_rgb, convtype="xyz_to_rgb")

    # v
    linear_channels = dict(r=rgb_r, g=rgb_g, b=rgb_b)
    # V
    nonlinear_channels = {}
    if target_rgb == sRGBColor:
        for channel in ['r', 'g', 'b']:
            v = linear_channels[channel]
            if v <= 0.0031308:
                nonlinear_channels[channel] = v * 12.92
                nonlinear_channels[channel] = 1.055 * math.pow(v, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055
        # If it's not sRGB...
        for channel in ['r', 'g', 'b']:
            v = linear_channels[channel]
            nonlinear_channels[channel] = math.pow(v, 1 / target_rgb.rgb_gamma)

    return target_rgb(
        nonlinear_channels['r'], nonlinear_channels['g'], nonlinear_channels['b'])

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def RGB_to_XYZ(cobj, target_illuminant=None, *args, **kwargs):
    RGB to XYZ conversion. Expects 0-255 RGB values.

    Based off of:

    # Will contain linearized RGB channels (removed the gamma func).
    linear_channels = {}

    if isinstance(cobj, sRGBColor):
        for channel in ['r', 'g', 'b']:
            V = getattr(cobj, 'rgb_' + channel)
            if V <= 0.04045:
                linear_channels[channel] = V / 12.92
                linear_channels[channel] = math.pow((V + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
        # If it's not sRGB...
        gamma = cobj.rgb_gamma

        for channel in ['r', 'g', 'b']:
            V = getattr(cobj, 'rgb_' + channel)
            linear_channels[channel] = math.pow(V, gamma)
    # Apply an RGB working space matrix to the XYZ values (matrix mul).
    xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z = apply_RGB_matrix(
        linear_channels['r'], linear_channels['g'], linear_channels['b'],
        rgb_type=cobj, convtype="rgb_to_xyz")

    if target_illuminant is None:
        target_illuminant = cobj.native_illuminant
    # The illuminant of the original RGB object. This will always match
    # the RGB colorspace's native illuminant.
    illuminant = cobj.native_illuminant
    xyzcolor = XYZColor(xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z, illuminant=illuminant)
    # This will take care of any illuminant changes for us (if source
    # illuminant != target illuminant).

    return xyzcolor

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def __RGB_to_Hue(var_R, var_G, var_B, var_min, var_max):
    For RGB_to_HSL and RGB_to_HSV, the Hue (H) component is calculated in
    the same way.

    if var_max == var_min:
        return 0.0
    elif var_max == var_R:
        return (60.0 * ((var_G - var_B) / (var_max - var_min)) + 360) % 360.0
    elif var_max == var_G:
        return 60.0 * ((var_B - var_R) / (var_max - var_min)) + 120
    elif var_max == var_B:
        return 60.0 * ((var_R - var_G) / (var_max - var_min)) + 240.0

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def RGB_to_HSV(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts from RGB to HSV.
    H values are in degrees and are 0 to 360.
    S values are a percentage, 0.0 to 1.0.
    V values are a percentage, 0.0 to 1.0.

    var_R = cobj.rgb_r
    var_G = cobj.rgb_g
    var_B = cobj.rgb_b
    var_max = max(var_R, var_G, var_B)
    var_min = min(var_R, var_G, var_B)
    var_H = __RGB_to_Hue(var_R, var_G, var_B, var_min, var_max)
    if var_max == 0:
        var_S = 0
        var_S = 1.0 - (var_min / var_max)
    var_V = var_max

    hsv_h = var_H
    hsv_s = var_S
    hsv_v = var_V

    return HSVColor(
        var_H, var_S, var_V)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def RGB_to_HSL(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts from RGB to HSL.
    H values are in degrees and are 0 to 360.
    S values are a percentage, 0.0 to 1.0.
    L values are a percentage, 0.0 to 1.0.
    var_R = cobj.rgb_r
    var_G = cobj.rgb_g
    var_B = cobj.rgb_b
    var_max = max(var_R, var_G, var_B)
    var_min = min(var_R, var_G, var_B)
    var_H = __RGB_to_Hue(var_R, var_G, var_B, var_min, var_max)
    var_L = 0.5 * (var_max + var_min)
    if var_max == var_min:
        var_S = 0
    elif var_L <= 0.5:
        var_S = (var_max - var_min) / (2.0 * var_L)
        var_S = (var_max - var_min) / (2.0 - (2.0 * var_L))
    return HSLColor(
        var_H, var_S, var_L)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def __Calc_HSL_to_RGB_Components(var_q, var_p, C):
    This is used in HSL_to_RGB conversions on R, G, and B.

    if C < 0:
        C += 1.0
    if C > 1:
        C -= 1.0

    # Computing C of vector (Color R, Color G, Color B)
    if C < (1.0 / 6.0):
        return var_p + ((var_q - var_p) * 6.0 * C)
    elif (1.0 / 6.0) <= C < 0.5:
        return var_q
    elif 0.5 <= C < (2.0 / 3.0):
        return var_p + ((var_q - var_p) * 6.0 * ((2.0 / 3.0) - C))
        return var_p

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def HSV_to_RGB(cobj, target_rgb, *args, **kwargs):
    HSV to RGB conversion.
    H values are in degrees and are 0 to 360.
    S values are a percentage, 0.0 to 1.0.
    V values are a percentage, 0.0 to 1.0.
    H = cobj.hsv_h
    S = cobj.hsv_s
    V = cobj.hsv_v
    h_floored = int(math.floor(H))
    h_sub_i = int(h_floored / 60) % 6
    var_f = (H / 60.0) - (h_floored // 60)
    var_p = V * (1.0 - S)
    var_q = V * (1.0 - var_f * S)
    var_t = V * (1.0 - (1.0 - var_f) * S)
    if h_sub_i == 0:
        rgb_r = V
        rgb_g = var_t
        rgb_b = var_p
    elif h_sub_i == 1:
        rgb_r = var_q
        rgb_g = V
        rgb_b = var_p
    elif h_sub_i == 2:
        rgb_r = var_p
        rgb_g = V
        rgb_b = var_t
    elif h_sub_i == 3:
        rgb_r = var_p
        rgb_g = var_q
        rgb_b = V
    elif h_sub_i == 4:
        rgb_r = var_t
        rgb_g = var_p
        rgb_b = V
    elif h_sub_i == 5:
        rgb_r = V
        rgb_g = var_p
        rgb_b = var_q
        raise ValueError("Unable to convert HSL->RGB due to value error.")

    # In the event that they define an HSV color and want to convert it to 
    # a particular RGB space, let them override it here.
    if target_rgb is not None:
        rgb_type = target_rgb
        rgb_type = cobj.rgb_type
    return target_rgb(rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def HSL_to_RGB(cobj, target_rgb, *args, **kwargs):
    HSL to RGB conversion.
    H = cobj.hsl_h
    S = cobj.hsl_s
    L = cobj.hsl_l
    if L < 0.5:
        var_q = L * (1.0 + S)
        var_q = L + S - (L * S)
    var_p = 2.0 * L - var_q
    # H normalized to range [0,1]
    h_sub_k = (H / 360.0)
    t_sub_R = h_sub_k + (1.0 / 3.0)
    t_sub_G = h_sub_k
    t_sub_B = h_sub_k - (1.0 / 3.0)
    rgb_r = __Calc_HSL_to_RGB_Components(var_q, var_p, t_sub_R)
    rgb_g = __Calc_HSL_to_RGB_Components(var_q, var_p, t_sub_G)
    rgb_b = __Calc_HSL_to_RGB_Components(var_q, var_p, t_sub_B)

    # In the event that they define an HSV color and want to convert it to 
    # a particular RGB space, let them override it here.
    if target_rgb is not None:
        rgb_type = target_rgb
        rgb_type = cobj.rgb_type
    return target_rgb(rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def RGB_to_CMY(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    RGB to CMY conversion.
    NOTE: CMYK and CMY values range from 0.0 to 1.0
    cmy_c = 1.0 - cobj.rgb_r
    cmy_m = 1.0 - cobj.rgb_g
    cmy_y = 1.0 - cobj.rgb_b
    return CMYColor(cmy_c, cmy_m, cmy_y)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def CMY_to_RGB(cobj, target_rgb, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts CMY to RGB via simple subtraction.
    NOTE: Returned values are in the range of 0-255.
    rgb_r = 1.0 - cobj.cmy_c
    rgb_g = 1.0 - cobj.cmy_m
    rgb_b = 1.0 - cobj.cmy_y
    return target_rgb(rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def CMY_to_CMYK(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts from CMY to CMYK.
    NOTE: CMYK and CMY values range from 0.0 to 1.0

    var_k = 1.0
    if cobj.cmy_c < var_k:
        var_k = cobj.cmy_c
    if cobj.cmy_m < var_k:
        var_k = cobj.cmy_m
    if cobj.cmy_y < var_k:
        var_k = cobj.cmy_y
    if var_k == 1:
        cmyk_c = 0.0
        cmyk_m = 0.0
        cmyk_y = 0.0
        cmyk_c = (cobj.cmy_c - var_k) / (1.0 - var_k)
        cmyk_m = (cobj.cmy_m - var_k) / (1.0 - var_k)
        cmyk_y = (cobj.cmy_y - var_k) / (1.0 - var_k)
    cmyk_k = var_k

    return CMYKColor(cmyk_c, cmyk_m, cmyk_y, cmyk_k)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal
def CMYK_to_CMY(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts CMYK to CMY.
    NOTE: CMYK and CMY values range from 0.0 to 1.0

    cmy_c = cobj.cmyk_c * (1.0 - cobj.cmyk_k) + cobj.cmyk_k
    cmy_m = cobj.cmyk_m * (1.0 - cobj.cmyk_k) + cobj.cmyk_k
    cmy_y = cobj.cmyk_y * (1.0 - cobj.cmyk_k) + cobj.cmyk_k
    return CMYColor(cmy_c, cmy_m, cmy_y)

    "SpectralColor": {
   "SpectralColor": [None],
        "XYZColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv],
       "sRGBColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [Spectral_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "LabColor": {
        "LabColor": [None],
        "XYZColor": [Lab_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
      "LCHabColor": [Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv],
       "sRGBColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "LCHabColor": {
      "LCHabColor": [None],
        "XYZColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [LCHab_to_Lab],
      "LCHuvColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv],
       "sRGBColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [LCHab_to_Lab, Lab_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "LCHuvColor": {
      "LCHuvColor": [None],
        "XYZColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
        "LuvColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv],
      "LCHabColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
       "sRGBColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [LCHuv_to_Luv, Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "LuvColor": {
        "LuvColor": [None],
        "XYZColor": [Luv_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [Luv_to_LCHuv],
       "sRGBColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [Luv_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "XYZColor": {
        "XYZColor": [None],
        "xyYColor": [XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [XYZ_to_Lab, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [XYZ_to_Luv],
       "sRGBColor": [XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "xyYColor": {
        "xyYColor": [None],
        "XYZColor": [xyY_to_XYZ],
        "LabColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv],
       "sRGBColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
        "HSLColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [xyY_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
    "HSLColor": {
        "HSLColor": [None],
        "HSVColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
       "sRGBColor": [HSL_to_RGB],
        "CMYColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
        "XYZColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [HSL_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
    "HSVColor": {
        "HSVColor": [None],
        "HSLColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
       "sRGBColor": [HSV_to_RGB],
        "CMYColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
        "XYZColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [HSV_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
    "CMYColor": {
        "CMYColor": [None],
       "CMYKColor": [CMY_to_CMYK],
        "HSLColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
       "sRGBColor": [CMY_to_RGB],
        "XYZColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],
    "CMYKColor": {
       "CMYKColor": [None],
        "CMYColor": [CMYK_to_CMY],
        "HSLColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_HSV],
       "sRGBColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB],
        "XYZColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [CMYK_to_CMY, CMY_to_RGB, RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_RGB],

# We use this as a template conversion dict for each RGB color space. They
# are all identical.
        "HSLColor": [RGB_to_HSL],
        "HSVColor": [RGB_to_HSV],
        "CMYColor": [RGB_to_CMY],
       "CMYKColor": [RGB_to_CMY, CMY_to_CMYK],
        "XYZColor": [RGB_to_XYZ],
        "xyYColor": [RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xyY],
        "LabColor": [RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab],
      "LCHabColor": [RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Lab, Lab_to_LCHab],
      "LCHuvColor": [RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv, Luv_to_LCHuv],
        "LuvColor": [RGB_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_Luv],

# Avoid the repetition, since the conversion tables for the various RGB
# spaces are the same.
_RGB_SPACES = ["sRGBColor", "AdobeRGBColor"]
for rgb_space in _RGB_SPACES:
    if rgb_space != "sRGBColor":
        # This is a bit strange, but wherever we see sRGBColor in a conversion
        # dict, duplicate it for each additional color space. Keeps us from
        # having to manually type/update this for every single RGB space.
        for key in CONVERSION_TABLE:
            CONVERSION_TABLE[key][rgb_space] = CONVERSION_TABLE[key]["sRGBColor"]
    # Avoid modifying the original template dict.
    conv_dict = _RGB_CONVERSION_DICT_TEMPLATE.copy()
    # No-ops conversions to self.
    conv_dict[rgb_space] = [None]
    # The new RGB color space is now a part of the conversion table.
    CONVERSION_TABLE[rgb_space] = conv_dict

[docs]def convert_color(color, target_cs, through_rgb_type=sRGBColor, *args, **kwargs): """ Converts the color to the designated color space. :param color: A Color instance to convert. :param target_cs: The Color class to convert to. Note that this is not an instance, but a class. :keyword BaseRGBColor through_rgb_type: If during your conversion between your original and target color spaces you have to pass through RGB, this determines which kind of RGB to use. For example, XYZ->HSL. You probably don't need to specify this unless you have a special usage case. :returns: An instance of the type passed in as ``target_cs``. :raises: :py:exc:`colormath.color_exceptions.UndefinedConversionError` if conversion between the two color spaces isn't possible. """ if isinstance(target_cs, str): raise ValueError("target_cs parameter must be a Color object.") if not issubclass(target_cs, ColorBase): raise ValueError("target_cs parameter must be a Color object.") # Find the origin color space's conversion table. cs_table = CONVERSION_TABLE[color.__class__.__name__] try: # Look up the conversion path for the specified color space. conversions = cs_table[target_cs.__name__] except KeyError: raise UndefinedConversionError( color.__class__.__name__, target_cs.__name__, ) logger.debug('Converting %s to %s', color, target_cs) logger.debug(' @ Conversion path: %s', conversions) # Start with original color in case we convert to the same color space. new_color = color # We have to be careful to use the same RGB color space that created # an object (if it was created by a conversion) in order to get correct # results. For example, XYZ->HSL via Adobe RGB should default to Adobe # RGB when taking that generated HSL object back to XYZ. # noinspection PyProtectedMember if through_rgb_type != sRGBColor: # User overrides take priority over everything. # noinspection PyProtectedMember target_rgb = through_rgb_type elif color._through_rgb_type: # Otherwise, a value on the color object is the next best thing, # when available. # noinspection PyProtectedMember target_rgb = color._through_rgb_type else: # We could collapse this into a single if statement above, # but I think this reads better. target_rgb = through_rgb_type # Iterate through the list of functions for the conversion path, storing # the results in a dictionary via update(). This way the user has access # to all of the variables involved in the conversion. for func in conversions: # Execute the function in this conversion step and store the resulting # Color object. logger.debug(' * Conversion: %s passed to %s()', new_color.__class__.__name__, func) logger.debug(' |-> in %s', new_color) if func: # This can be None if you try to convert a color to the color # space that is already in. IE: XYZ->XYZ. new_color = func(new_color, target_rgb=target_rgb, *args, **kwargs) logger.debug(' |-< out %s', new_color) # If this conversion had something other than the default sRGB color space # requested, if through_rgb_type != sRGBColor: new_color._through_rgb_type = through_rgb_type return new_color